Ardahan Üniversitesi, 22 Mayıs 2008 de kurularak bir dünya üniversitesi olma yolunda ilk adımı atmıştır. Bilimin ve bilginin izinde, bilgiyi arayarak, öğrenerek, üreterek ve paylaşarak bölgenin ve ülkenin sorunlarıyla birlikte uluslararası toplumun da sorunlarını bir ışık gibi aydınlatmak amacıyla her geçen gün gelişerek yoluna devam etmektedir. Siz de bu gelişime ortak olun.

Ardahan Üniversitesi

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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Biber was born on 10.11.1968 in Erzurum. Between 1985-1990, he studied physics at Atatürk University. He continued his master's education between 1993-1996 and doctorate education between 1997-2000 at the same university. He did post-doctoral studies at Ghent University in Belgium in 2003 and at Durham University in England between 2009-2010.

Biber served as Research Assistant between 1992-2000, Research Assistant Doctor between 2000-2001, and Assistant Professor Doctor between 2001-2005 at the Faculty of Science and Letters at Atatürk University. Then, he served as Associate Professor between 2005-2011 and as Professor Doctor between 2011-2016 at the Faculty of Science at Atatürk University. Biber has been working as a faculty member at Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biotechnology since 2016.

He served as the Deputy Rector of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University between 2011-2013 as well as being the Director of Central Research Laboratory in 2012-2013, and as the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Letters of the same university in 2013.

He has been working as Ardahan University Rector since 25 January 2017.

Biber, who has been the editor of the Turkish Journal of Physics since 2014, has published many articles within the scope of SSCI / SCI / AHCI Expanded.